
What Color Are Warhammer 40k Inquisitorial Uniforms

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Made in ca
Human Auxiliary to the Empire

I've ever like the idea of using cards to identify units in war gaming. Warmachine and Hordes accept them but (in my ignorance) they are skirmishes games. So it'southward one character per unit. Don't play and never actually read the game rules.

I've been called the guy who likes to fill up out sheets. And I like to create them as well, virtually more filling them.

So with the help of the Magic Ready Editor, I've created templates for Warhammer 40k units. I've updated my package to support 8th edition. I take templates for units, weapons, and rules. As Games Workshop doesn't want stats to be listed on anything they don't really create, I am providing samples with placeholders just to allow you preview the cards with content. None of the specs are necessarily true and exact for the characters.

The default one has the proper noun and the number of minis in the unit at the meridian, the toll and stats in a column on the left, the prototype on the right and the Wargear and Special rules boxes at the bottom.

Some other has the standard look of CCG cards like MTG with the name, cost at the top, the unit image in the center, and the stats under.

Some other has the same layout merely the image occupies the entire face of the card.

As 8th edition doesn't have specific vehicle starts, I have kept the mural format for those who want a large image. When you are using this card format, yous need to impress information technology separately from the other format and the MTG Card Set Editor has a printing bug where the card is kleptomaniacal when printed with other portrait format cards. It works though.

eighth Edition has introduced the multi-wound (or decreasing efficiency) rules and so there is a menu for these. I accept locked the ranges to Full, half and a quarter of the wounds. I don't have all indexes and so I believe information technology should work for most units. I know it doesn't work for titans (and perchance knights) as these have iv categories. Then again, putting a titan on such small card isn't really fitting.

I welcome and encourage comments and suggestions for the cards.

I however have some detail work to practise on them merely they are fairly usable every bit they are. Good affair is in one case the data is entered, you tin can change the template without losing annihilation.

I made the current files available in my 1 Bulldoze binder. Information technology'south the most practical means for me of getting the file out and updating it.

This message was edited v times. Last update was at 2017/09/25 17:58:04

Made in us
Gimlet-Eyed Inquisitorial Acolyte

That, expert sir, is ingenious. I could seem myself using them.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Its an interesting idea. I merely don't see it being practical. I allready know the stats and special rules for my units. There is no existent demand to have these cards. Yes it works for warmahordes as they are you hitting bespeak tracker and spell list and what not. Crappy game past the manner. IMHO.

I guess if you need them to retrieve and then this is a pretty good manner to go about it.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Meleck wrote:I've ever similar the idea of using cards to place units in state of war gaming. Warmachine and Hordes have them but (in my ignorance) they are skirmishes games. So information technology's one character per unit. Don't play and never actually read the game rules.

I've been called the guy who likes to fill out sheets. And I like to create them also, most more than than filling them.

So with the assistance of the Magic Set Editor, I've created templates for Warhammer 40k units. Right now I have three templates for standard units. These will probably be revised as I continue working with templates and I have other templates planned for vehicles, weapons, and rules. Every bit Games Workshop doesn't want stats to be listed on anything they don't actually create, I am providing samples with placeholders only to let you preview the cards with content. I've used an images of Digits Drogan minis (With permission. Cheers.) equally the image for the cards. Aforementioned image for all 3 cards.

The first one is the standard look of CCG cards like MTG with the proper name, cost at the top, the unit of measurement image in the middle, and the stats under.

The second one has the same layout but the image occupies the entire face of the card.

The third ane and the one I like the near right at present has the proper noun and the number of minis in the unit at the elevation, the cost and stats in a column on the left, the prototype on the correct and the Wargear and Special rules boxes at the lesser.

While testing the cards, I realized that it would exist improve to have more room for the wargear and less room for the special rules. Then I modified these ii boxes in my final carte du jour to see if it would piece of work improve.

I welcome and encourage comments and suggestions for the cards. I am currently working on a vehicle card with the stats on the side. The vehicule carte will be in mural format.

I still have some detail piece of work to do on them only they are adequately usable as they are. Good thing is once the information is entered, you can change the template without losing anything.

I made the current files available in my 4shared folder (W40K_Unit_Card.aught). I know some people don't like 4shared but information technology's the most practical means for me of getting the file out and updating information technology.

I call back they are pretty cool. You could likewise make a "tick box" for things like a combi melta to track utilise.

Personally, I would rather just utilise Army Builder. 40K can have a lot of models on the board, specially in the 2,000+ point range. Army Builder keeps runway of everything on 1-2 pages.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

These are actually useful! I also apply ArmyBuilder only I prefer to have some prebuilt units fix to go when I'grand at my local GW store. Any chance you could brand menu backs for these for the weapon, wargear, notes and statistics?

Vehicle Cards would be pretty awesome as well.

Cheers again for these!

This bulletin was edited one time. Last update was at 2012/02/03 07:34:54

Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

You know why I always wanted W40k to use stat cards? Because then GW can update broken or useless models a lot quicker and balance armies a lilliputian better than they practice now.

All they take to do is release new cards for the armies that need them.

Made in ca
Human Auxiliary to the Empire

Information technology'due south been a while and I haven't been working on these that much. Work has progressed on the Vehicle menu simply I can only ask y'all to exist patient (or generous) with me every bit I discover that it'southward hard to allocate time to this project. So many things to practice, then petty time.
Anyhow, I'm not here to complain only to tell yous that I take updated the W40k card set to include a new set up for Wargear. Yep, you can now accept cards for your wargear. the carte wait like that.

It's a separate set every bit the columns (which I am having problem with) don't actually match with the regular unit columns. There really is only one column that tin can be shared and it's the force. No point in trying to include the new columns so I created another set. I take also created an icon for the standard card prepare. I am currently using artwork that I didn't get permission to use (Information technology'due south not GW) so it might go downwardly as I did ask for permission but still didn't go whatever response.
I'll keep working on this on an infrequent basis. I'thou TERRIBLY UNRELIABLE for things like this. I will eventually get the vehicle carte du jour upwards and I might have some changes for the unit of measurement cards as I am realizing that information technology might interesting to accept the unit blazon listed every bit part of the unit of measurement (such as rough riders).
EDIT: To make it easier for people, I'm repeating the location of the file. I made the current files available in my 4shared folder (W40K_Unit_Card.cypher).

This message was edited 3 times. Concluding update was at 2012/04/26 23:34:16

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

These are great and I'm anxiously awaiting the vehicle cards!

I like the look and feel of them, and information technology brings me back to the days of 2nd edition cards! I personally savor using cards and it is easier to have a bunch of premade cards ready to go at the GW shop and then to waste fourth dimension at the store figuring out what you want to play.

I'm thinking well-nigh making backs for these cards. Give thanks you so much for providing these.

If your ever get the itch to make more it would exist cool to have

Mission Cards
Stratagem Cards
Psychic Powers
Nugget Cards

I've been trying to figure out MSE for ages. I'm slowly getting there.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

With the exception of Vehicles I have a few of my choice squads made. I as well made a dorsum for the Unit of measurement cards too. I still need to make the Wargear menu backs.

Made in ca
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk


I would trade the places of the wound and set on boxes on the concluding picture to pair upwards the stat values (skills/concrete/combat/etc).

Being a Mac user is like being a Navy SEAL: a minor, aristocracy group of people with access to the most sophisticated engineering science in the world, who everyone calls on to go the really tough jobs washed apace and efficiently.

Made in au
On a Canoptek Spyder's Waiting Listing

Ingenious idea, would defiantly help out imho.

Reassembling after statis slumber

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Getting my fix made. I will need to get some photo paper, these are printed on 250 gsm cardstock.

Made in ca
Bottom Daemon of Chaos

Whatever you practice, be careful nigh how y'all use them. Make certain you never try to sell or share them in open forums. GW is well known for religiously guarding their Intellectual Belongings, and I would hate to see you get slapped with the threat of a lawsuit.

Just be careful my friend.

In the embrace of not bad Chaos, I am no longer afraid, for with its power and favor, I shall become the apotheosis of that which I once most feared.....Death

Chaos Space Marines: W50, L23, D17
Warriors of Anarchy: W15, L2, D0
CSM sixth Edition: W19, L6, D3
CSM 7th Edition: W17, L2, D2
Kill Team: W2, L0, D0

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I will replace the pictures in one case I've painted my models. These are for personal utilise only I tin can't see why I would want to sell them, more trouble than it's worth.

Made in ca
Human Auxiliary to the Empire

Thanks a lot. Information technology's overnice to encounter how people are using them. And it makes me want to do some more piece of work on them.

I should accept an update on the cards in the adjacent week. I've almost finished the vehicle card (95%) and I've modified the font colour of all cards to follow the color selected for the background.

My adjacent pace may be to add some new backgrounds.

For these Mission, Stratagem, Psychic Powers, and Asset Cards, I would have to research them equally I don't have plenty knowledge of what goes into them. And information technology's trickier because I would need to include rules to make them proper and that'southward a NO-NO from Games Workshop.

The virtually feasible are probably the psychic powers but the but info I have on most of these comes from the master rulebook and my Tyranid codex. So I don't know how consummate those cards would be.

This message was edited 4 times. Concluding update was at 2012/05/04 17:31:18

Made in us
PanOceaniac Hacking Specialist Sergeant

These are really cool. I would love to take them for my armies. Good work!

# of Unpainted/Unassembled > # of Painted models.

Made in ca
Fresh-Faced Inquisitorial Acolyte

These are really cool. Im trying to modify a couple to take room for Invulnerable saves, but practice you know if at that place are cards for vehicles and walkers?

Made in ca
Fresh-Faced Inquisitorial Acolyte

Oh wait, wasnt hard to fix...

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I like the new designs! The added spot for Invulnerable saves is really overnice to accept. Are there whatever walkers that go an invulnerable salve?

Take a look at this Heresy Online link to official GW pdf'southward

Psychic Cards demand a spot for these things

  • Name

  • Indicate Cost ?

  • Range

  • Strength

  • AP

  • Blazon
  • Large description surface area I'g non sure if a picture is necessary for Psychic Cards. I have the official Tyranid Psychic Power cards that GW released on pdf but I can't detect a link on their website anymore. I'm certain if you do a search you might find it. My google skills are lacking.

    Strategy Cards tin can be found on the GW site. I remember that style could be used for Missions and/or Event Cards and so you lot could kill 3 birds with 1 stone.

    Here is how GW does their Nugget Cards which could use the same way equally the cards above (4 birds instead).

    These are the cards I plan to make for my summertime campaign with my all-time mate, my son and my wife. I have ii armies (space wolves and Tau), and so we have CSM, Eldar, and Tyranids. Its going to be fun and we desire to add extra spice to our games by using cards, Planetary Empires, Planet Strike and dwelling rules. I'1000 using some of the Generic MtG cards for Planet Cards and other stuff to keep rail of the large amount of stuff going on. Each role player will build their deck and be able to utilise it to keep track of what is going on.

    I know a lot of people scoff at cards and boast/brag and make comments of "Paper, Pencil, and a Calculator is all you need" Well I have Dyslexia and Dyscalculia and I piece of work better with visual aids than lists that I find confusing and hard to pinpoint data. Besides isn't 40k a visual game anyways, otherwise it would but be a game of numbers on a paper.

    This bulletin was edited two times. Last update was at 2012/05/06 08:33:06

    Made in gb
    Regular Dakkanaut

    I'k getting excited for these! I'm belongings off my next impress run until the next release!

    Made in us
    Raging-on-the-Inside Claret Affections Sergeant

    Alexandria, VA

    Wow, the new template is pretty sweet. Thanks.

    Made in ca
    Human Auxiliary to the Empire

    I have updated the cards on my 4shared site to include an alternate side stat card with more infinite for the Salve box, two vehicle cards (portrait and landscape), and a walker menu. Think that you should be able to alter the style of a card and the relevent information for that style should be nowadays. Therefore, any unit of measurement or character card can be changed to use another mode. A unit or character carte du jour will have data missing if a vehicle or walker card fashion is assigned to information technology, and vice-versa.

    I've also updated all the cards to apply the same font color every bit the stat boxes. I desire feedback on that feature or if it would be better to be able to select black as a font colour. If so, that would exist an override on all the font colors for all the cards. I know it can exist done, I just have to research it a little.

    It`southward important to me to be able to keep the data relevent for all the cards. A change in the style shouldn't intermission a card. That goes for the colors as well. There might be some changes in the color for the total face card as I accept modified the color for the boxes to friction match the other styles. In that location are now less colors for the full face card. I've also tried to fix the cropping for the prototype boxes. I didn't similar the white borders appearing around some images.

    I don't accept the previews yet for the cards. And I need to exist able to figure out how to do thumbnails as I don't want to alluvion this thread. Hope y'all like them. If people want to exist able to create their own backgrounds, PM me so nosotros tin arrange something.

    ShottyScotty wrote:Oh await, wasnt hard to fix...

    It'south not only modifying the PNG file, it`due south also making certain that the fields are at the right place and in the right order. And making only one file for each template is easy. It`s having to make the 7 files for all the colors available. This is where it`due south taking me a long time. And I keep wanting to redo all the boxes as I feel that they aren't consequent enough. Anyhow, now they are done.

    ShottyScotty wrote:These are really cool. I'm trying to modify a couple to have room for Invulnerable saves, just practise you know if there are cards for vehicles and walkers?

    The invulnerable save should be entered as part of the regular salvage. I'm making sure to be able to reproduce the GW manner of list characters and units. If you look at how they are listed, they should be listed the same way in the columns. Anyhow, I've fabricated one of the template (Side Alt) with a bigger Relieve box for those who want more room for their INV or other saves.

    Highland_Piper wrote:I'k getting excited for these! I'yard holding off my next print run until the adjacent release!

    Hope they didn't get in also late. I had promised them earlier and I had them made but then I went over them once more and stock-still a few little bugs. The data entered for all the card should be compatible with the new set. I effort existent hard non to break that feature. Where it might have been cleaved (on purpose) is if you're using full confront cards.

    This message was edited 1 time. Concluding update was at 2012/06/07 02:24:08

    Made in gb
    Regular Dakkanaut

    Everything is awesome except that the Wargear cards are broken.

    They don't work with the previous set so I get no images. This is fine every bit I only had a few made up.

    However the new Wargear Style I can not enter any data. The Cursor will non show up in AP or Blazon and although I get the Cursor in the other fields nothing shows upwardly when I type. Images are placed simply fine.

    I've had no issues with the W40K Unit cards. The changes to the Sv is perfect! I love the new Walker and Vehicle cards. They volition fill out my deck perfectly

    Cheers so much for these cards. I hope you run into fit to continue the nifty piece of work!

    This message was edited 1 fourth dimension. Concluding update was at 2012/06/07 04:22:xvi

    Made in ca
    Human being Auxiliary to the Empire

    Found the problem and yous tin can fix information technology on your own. Actually, I recommend that y'all do because I won't be updating the files in a trivial while.

    In the files "game" and "style" in the Wargear folders, change "Wargear Card Face" to "Menu face". The field names are case sensitive.

    The trouble was the font color is determined past the field "Card confront" which doesn't exist in the Wargear files. So the text won't show upwards.

    For the AP and Type, make certain the following line is present under "Armor Piercing" (line 111) and "Type" (line 125) in the style file.

    z index: x

    That should gear up those.

    Looks similar I hadn't tested that carte type. Thanks for the QA.

    Made in gb
    Regular Dakkanaut

    Worked like a charm! Thanks very much for these!

    Made in gb
    Regular Dakkanaut


    Can we become an updated vehicle card with Hull Points (HP)?

    Made in us
    Boosting Black Templar Biker

    This is an awesome thought! I cannot retrieve all my units stats, and then I would benefit from this a lot. But I am not sure i am doing it right. I downloaded the magic prepare editor, and the 40K unit cards. I merely cannot figure out how to get the "40k unit cards" in to the Magic fix Editor? tin can anyone help me with this please?! Thank you!

    Never mind, goofing around with it more, i figured it out.

    This message was edited 1 fourth dimension. Terminal update was at 2012/07/07 xvi:30:26

    10k Black Templar
    Warhound Titan "Legio Matallica"

    Made in ca
    Homo Auxiliary to the Empire

    Highland_Piper wrote: Meleck,
    Tin we get an updated vehicle card with Hull Points (HP)?

    I don't mind doing it. But as I haven't bought sixth edition yet and I tin can't go any vehicle listing off the internet, I need to get information from you. What is the standard listing (in order) of a vehicle? Currently, it's BS, Forepart, Side, Rear. Where are the Hull Points located in that listing? And what`south the range.

    Do I need to create cards for flyers? Or add special boxes for them. I believe they should just exist standard vehicles simply I haven't read sixth Ed yet. Anyone interested in having me read it, you can send it to me by postal service. I'll requite yous the address.

    This message was edited ane time. Last update was at 2012/07/10 01:39:01

    Made in gb
    Regular Dakkanaut

    BS, Front, Side, Rear, HP

    That should be all yous demand. Anything else can go into the clarification area.

    Made in ca
    Member of the Malleus

    Want... I'll volition have to put time in making a set when I can.

    Though it would be absurd to have a condensed weapon one, i.e i for all bolters, 1 for plasma/melta, then tank weapons etc.

    Task Force Rath : 5000
    Deathwatch: 4000


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