
What Colors Does Trailing Lantana Come In?

Detect the dissimilar types of Lantana flowers by species and size. Includes cute photo examples and in-depth descriptions.

Different types of Lantana

Are y'all looking for something that will add together a pop of colour to your garden? A natural embellishment for your place that will print the guests at the upcoming summer parties?

Whether you are searching for some floral beauties or just looking for the next best plant to nurture in your garden, look no farther than lantanas. These vivid and radiant blossoms that commonly feature an orderly tie-and–dye upshot on the flower heads are a truly exclusive gift of nature.

Not only are they easy to wait after, only these effluvious flowers are besides resistant to well-nigh of the mutual garden pests and diseases. They are pollinator heaven, alluring a swarm of butterflies, bees as well as hummingbirds. Plus, they change colour as they mature, bringing your garden to life in every possible sense.

Read on to find the dissimilar types of lantanas that you lot tin abound this flavor.

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What are Lantana Flowers ?

Lantanas are a genus of over 150 types of flowering plants that all belong to Verbenaceae, a family of verbena species. Lantanas are perennial and include both herbaceous plants as well as shrubs that tin can grow upwardly to vi feet tall. Originating from tropical American and African regions, lantanas are a hardy species that tin can thrive sufficiently well in different atmospheric condition weather.

Lantana vs. VerbenaDifferent lantana flowers

If you are a novice gardener or someone who is planning to grow lantanas this jump, then let's clear the confusion between lantana and verbena earlier proceeding.

Lantana and verbena both refer to a species of colorful flowering plants that belong to the Verbenaceae family. They both await so similar that even skilled gardeners can take a tough time setting them autonomously. Both varieties are used for various purposes such as groundcover, borders, ornamental constitute and so on. Although the two varieties produce equally cute blooms, they have different hardiness level, growth habits, and maintenance needs. Then, before you dig in to plant one, make sure you are well informed about its diverseness and then that you can care for it accordingly.

Types of Lantana According to Growth Size

1. Shrub Lantana (Lantana Camara)Lantana Camara

Lantana Camara refers to the species of the Verbena family that grows in small-scale, upright shrubs reaching a height of up to 6 feet. Native to American tropics, this species is not easily bachelor in most nurseries, only yous can find various other lantana varieties that have been derived from the original Camara or share ancestry with the plant. Therefore, the term Lantana Camara is often used interchangeably for other species of lantana that grow in bushes.

This plant varietal is known for its rapid growth which is both a good a bad matter. You can expect a sapling to grow over 5 feet tall within one season, but at the same time, this also means that you demand to trim information technology every now and and so so that it looks prim and proper. If y'all choose to abound lantana camara on farmland, so note that it will require hard pruning because if left unchecked, this type of lantana tin can invade agronomical areas and harm livestock due to its toxicity. Failing to remove the old stems from this will turn the bush-league into a woody shrub that doesn't wait very visually appealing.

Although this blazon of lantana requires greater care and attention than other varieties, the rewards are worth it too. The plant abundantly produces gorgeous, flamboyant flowers that feature an assortment of vivacious colors such as deep ruby, bright xanthous, vivid orange besides equally coral pink. Set up confronting lush green leaves, these blooms are guaranteed to take hold of everyone'due south attention from afar.

2. Trailing Lantana (Lantana Motevidensis) Lantana Motevidensis

Lantana Motevidensis is more commonly known as trailing lantana and is a type of lantana that follows a 'abaft' growth design. It is a low-growing, spreading shrub that reaches a maximum height of eighteen inches and a width of 5 to 10 anxiety.

Unlike Lantana Camara, which includes a range of different colored flowers, the trailing lantana just includes purple flower heads that accept a slight touch on of white spots in the center of each floret. Notwithstanding, you might come beyond 'xanthous' trailing lantanas that are actually a hybrid between Lantana Motevidensis and yellowish Lantana Camara.

If grown with support, the trailing lantana takes a climbing vine class whereas if you lot grow information technology without any support, it will make an ideal groundcover. It will expect impressive if grown in wall-mounted boxes or whatsoever other container with a abaft emphasis.

Take you got a rock wall in your house? Are at that place some rocks in your garden or any other form of landscaping? If that's an affirmative, then adorn information technology with trailing lantana for a truly majestic await.

3. Popcorn Lantana (Lantana Trifolia)Popcorn lantana

Popcorn Lantana is distinct from most of the other varieties because it instead of being cultivated for showy flowers; this type of lantanas is largely cultivated for its ornamental fruits.

The found can abound up to 3 feet high with a similar spread and is prized for the fruit clusters that it produces later on the flowering season. Information technology can further exist divided into two varieties, Fruity Pebbles and Lavender Popcorn that feature bright pink and elongated imperial fruits.

Popcorn lantana is native to Central and S America and therefore, thrives best in tropical or sub-tropical regions. It is also known as 3-leaved lantana considering the leaves of this plant grow in groups of three.

Lantana Species

iv. Lantana HorridaRed , yellow and pink lantana

Lantana Horrida refers to a species of flowering plants that belong to the verbena family. The species got this name due to the fact that these lantanas produce a strong pungent odour that tin can affect people who are sensitive to scents. Lantana Horrida is well known in regions such as United mexican states also as in Southward America and the Westward Indies where information technology is commonly found in a diverseness of natural habitats including forests, grasslands, savannas, and even mountainous areas.

This blazon of lantana is cold hardy for most of the state, although it blooms excessively just during summer and fall. In Texas, it is usually sold as summertime bedding because the institute reaches a tiptop of nigh ane human foot when fully matured and produces vibrant flowers of red, orangish, yellowish, purple too as white colors that expect only exquisite. Remember that the black or blue-blackness buds that appear in pre-flowering season are believed to be poisonous.

five. Lantana UrticoidesYellow and orange lantana

This type of lantana likewise goes by the names calico bush, Westward Indian shrub-verbena or Texas Lantana.

Growing iii to 5 feet high, this type of lantana is oft spotted in various regions such as United mexican states, Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana and other regions along the Gulf coast.

This species of lantana is often confused with Lantana Horrida because its flowers are mostly of the aforementioned shades and too because it is found in regions like to where Lantana Horrida grows. All the same, unlike Horrida, which blooms in summertime and fall, Lantana Urticoides blossoms from spring until the first frost.

Starting from early on April, the plant produces vibrant flowers of ruddy, orange and yellow florets that are tubular in shape. The leaves are in pairs that abound in contrary directions, thereby making a perfect frame of lively greens around the as lively blossoms. This spreading shrub

will expect spectacular in whatsoever garden equally its nettle-like growth of delicate flowers growth evokes elegance and fashion.

Nevertheless, Texas Lantana is quite notorious for being a pet poisonous plant. So, if you have any little buddies that tend to chew on your garden collection, it is ameliorate to consider other types of lantana as Texas Lantana's foliage is slightly toxic.

6. Lantana InvolucrataWhite wild saga lantana

Usually known as buttonsage, Lantana Involucrata refers to a blazon of Verbenaceae species that produces pristine white flowers equanimous of white florets with just a hint of golden-yellow in the eye.

Native to American tropics such as South Florida, the plant features a medium-sized shrub that reaches about 4 to eight feet loftier and spreads as broad as it grows tall. It prefers soil that is rich in organic content but volition also thrive well in relatively poor soil conditions. Lantana Involucratas are frequently found in littoral regions as well as pine rocklands, but you tin can grow them on your ain using seeds or simply ownership a grown lantana institute from certain nurseries.

This type of lantana is best suited for ornamental uses every bit its inflorescence flowers are non just showy but are besides very fragrant. Lantana Involucrata is also called wild-sage because if you crush its leaves, they will smell similar sage. Whether you are looking for a hedge plant, a butterfly attractor or but a plant that tin can be the 'wow' cistron in your garden, buttonsage lantana is your go-to choice.

7. Lantana Pastazensis

This flowering species in the verbena family is known to but the most passionate and dedicated gardeners because it is endemic to Ecuador. This means that Lantana Pastazensis is not only native to the Ecuadorian regions but also restricted to its original areas. Non much is known most this type of lantana because it is rarely found outside of its natural habitat in the lowland moist tropical forests. If yous are curious to discover out more nearly this flowering shrub, it is probably best not to consider growing this plant. The apply of lantana pastazensis in habitation gardens is highly express and for the correct reasons likewise – it contains pentacyclic terpenoids that is toxic to humans.

Other Types of Lantana

8. Bandana Cherry LantanaRed lantana

As y'all might have guessed from the proper noun, this blazon of lantana comes in a colour that closely resembles that of a carmine. The outer ring of cherry-red-red florets is filled usually filled with pinkish and orange (and sometimes besides yellow) florets to make a truly vibrant round flower caput that measures most 2 inches beyond. Bandana ruby lantanas look stunning when planted in big beds around a patio as well as a centerpiece in large drinking glass containers.

9. Bandana Pink LantanaPink lantana

Whether you are a believer of 'everything-looks-pretty-in-pink' or non, y'all will surely agree that this type of lantana is without a doubt way beyond pretty in pinkish. Short and stout clusters of baby pinkish blooms that plow to dazzling rich pinkish hues will make a fine add-on to any garden.

10.  Pink Dawn LantanaPink lantana

If bright pinkish doesn't suit your style, and then consider growing Pink Dawn Lantana that features a subtle touch of pink hues in its blooms. This blazon of lantana comprises of a meaty, depression-growing shrub that produces pale flossy yellow flowers. As they mature, the flowers develop a tint of light, pastel pink color that oozes beauty and grace.

eleven. Pot of Gold LantanaYellow Lantana

Goose egg describes these lantanas better than their proper noun itself. Featuring a brilliant and luminous yellowish color, the Pot of Gilt Lantana is ane of the species that belong to the Lantana Camara family unit. Growing nearly 15 inches tall and 15 inches wide, this variety is truly dissimilar from the residuum in the sense that while most lantanas contain of florets of a different color that together course one flower head, the Pot of Gold lantana comprises of florets of only 1 colour – yellow.

If you really want to capture the essence of summer past decorating your garden with the best blooms, then opt for Pot of Gilt Lantanas. The plump blooms of yellowish that contrast brightly against the greens will smoothen as brightly in your garden as the lord's day in a articulate heaven.

These lantanas also expect magnificent when grown in small baskets and pots alongside other varieties.

Aren't these charmers but to dice for? And then, which blazon of lantana are y'all going to grow?


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