
How To Stop Gentrification Centering People Of Color



Gentrification is Irresolute New Orleans before our eyes.

Between 96,000 and 100,000 blackness residents left New Orleans for college ground as Hurricane Katrina made its way to the urban center in 2005. Before Katrina, New Orleans' population was 67 per centum black. In 2021, the black population rebounded to 59.5 percent. Nonetheless and yet, 11 percent never returned.

"Before Katrina, nigh 326,000 black people called New Orleans home, or 67 pct of the population. Today, the figure is just 233,000—a well-nigh 29 percentage drib, far outpacing New Orleans's overall drop in population, leaving the black share at merely below lx percent. The white population, by contrast, has remained steady, at about 133,000, almost fifty-fifty with the pre-Katrina level of 136,000," Nicole Gelinas wrote in Metropolis Journal, a Manhattan Institute publication.

Blackness migration from New Orleanians is nix new. Blacks have consistently left the metropolis for meliorate work conditions, higher pay, upward mobility, and to escape racism and discrimination by the powers that be. Ask any blackness person. They'll tell you the story of relatives who left the "Large Easy" for greener pastures.

However, Hurricane Katrina was the watershed consequence that made many who fled reconsider life in New Orleans versus elsewhere.

The 100-twelvemonth tempest literally changed the social fabric of New Orleans. Many who came to assist seized the opportunity to buy property and fabricated New Orleans their home. Low belongings prices and New Orleans' civilisation facilitated a wave of gentrification.

City leaders leveled public housing units and replaced them with mixed-use condos, houses, and apartments. Many Black New Orleanians who piece of work in the low-wage tourism manufacture couldn't afford to purchase such homes. Skilled professionals and builders flocked to the city. They bought holding, started small businesses, and injected a brand of culture. Simply it is strange to a city known for its southern hospitality.

They brought gentrification with them. Of a sudden there were bicycle paths everywhere. Those made it impossible to park on already narrow residential one-way streets with no off-the-street parking. Gourmet water ice cream, horticultural shops, grocery co-ops, indoor food market stalls, flea markets on the Bayou, and newly constructed houses incongruent with the architectural culture of New Orleans are interspersed in black communities.

"Nor has New Orleans experienced an equal opportunity recovery—in no small role because of the white civic leaders who openly advocated for a whiter, wealthier metropolis. While water still covered almost of New Orleans, Jimmy Reiss, a prominent local man of affairs and then-caput of the Business Quango, told the Wall Street Journal that the city would come up back in "a completely dissimilar way: demographically, geographically, and politically," or he and other white civic leaders would not return.

That sentiment was paired with a policy approach then-Congressman Barney Frank described equally "ethnic cleansing through inaction," Gary Rivlin wrote in "White New Orleans Has Recovered from Hurricane Katrina. Black New Orleans Has Not."

Rivlin penned the piece on the xith ceremony of Hurricane Katrina. "The income disparity between rich and poor is and then cracking that last yr Bloomberg declared New Orleans the land'southward about "unequal" urban center. And it's inappreciably just the poor who are suffering. The median blackness household in New Orleans in 2013 was $30,000—$5,000 less than information technology was in 2000, adapted for inflation. By contrast, median household income in the white community increased by 40 percent over that same period. And information technology now stands at more $60,000," Rivlin explained.

New Orleans based Fair Housing Activeness Eye published "Gentrification a Growing Threat for Many New Orleans Residents." It offers highlights from the report released by the National Customs Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC). Click here to see the full report.

According to the report, 13 New Orleans census tracts are actively gentrifying. They are experiencing increases in income, habitation values, and higher attainment. Yet, this is despite having had home values and incomes in the lower 40th percentile.

"Gentrifying areas include parts of the Mid-City, Broadmoor, Key City, Treme, 7th Ward, Holy Cross, McDonogh, and Irish Aqueduct neighborhoods. Fifty-ane census tracts are as well in the 40th percentile for income and home value and are considered likely candidates for gentrification. Past these measures, New Orleans is now the 5th-almost intensely gentrifying US metropolis and the threat of displacement is only increasing. New Orleans is gentrifying at an abnormally rapid charge per unit compared to most U.s.a. cities."

Population growth and diversity, and residents with resources are desirable everywhere. But at what toll? Gentrification causes native New Orleanians' displacement and increases mortgages, property taxes, and rent. Literally, it changes the complexion and culture of New Orleans.

Most unfortunate is that New Orleans has a blackness mayor, predominately black city council and school board, and black elected officials in prominent positions. So far, none is progressive enough to enact plans to eradicate poverty, provide contracting and job opportunities, and ensure youth get educations of value. No 1 insists that corporations make hiring native New Orleanians a priority.

The question to exist asked is, why are New Orleans' black leaders not working for those who elected them? If we follow the money, what volition we discover? Whose campaign contributions helped them win?

There is a redistricting proposal to expand one city council commune into the gentrified portion of another community. That plan will dilute the ability of blackness voters and make information technology nearly impossible for them to elect a candidate of their choice.

What New Orleans' black majority needs are progressive leaders. Elected officials with the courage to demand equity and fairness and a seat at the table for black citizens from all walks of life. Atlanta's leaders did it. We can do it in New Orleans as well!

Clearly this isn't going well.

Unable to convince Ukrainians that this war is most liberating them, President Vladimir Putin has resorted to bombing hospitals and flat complexes – the hospitals and apartment complexes with people in them.

In Mariupol, a urban center in southeastern Ukraine, people are boiling snow and disposing of dead bodies. Wrap the bodies. Tie the limbs, and leave them on the street. That's per the New York Times, reporting how Ukrainian officials resorted to advising citizens to care for their loved ones similar garbage.

Ukrainian Apartments subsequently Russian Bombing

To partly justify the invasion, Putin said he was ridding Ukraine of Neo-Nazis. The Ukrainian response was, there ain't zilch Neo-Nazi virtually united states, actor. A few days later, some of their border agents were defenseless forcing Africans to the back of bus lines or outright denying them access during evacuations.

People all over the earth are saying, "nosotros stand with Ukraine." Funny how when those Africans were being discriminated confronting there were no reports of Ukrainians saying they stand with them.

When Biden froze Russian avails in the U.S., the E.U. was all high-fives. This volition exist all over presently, they said. Simply wait until the oligarchs start sweating. When Biden suggested banning Russian banks from SWIFT, an international system used to move money, the E.U. was similar, awe aye. In a minute, Putin volition be moonwalking out of Ukraine faster than Michael Jackson. When Biden suggested banning all imports of Russian oil and gas, the E.U. was similar, well…now wait a infinitesimal. We stand with Ukraine and all, but we don't want to do so in the common cold and nighttime.

The East.U. gets 45% of its gas from Russia and 27% of its oil. That besides ways that 27% of Russia's oil sales come up from the E.U., and 45% of its oil. With the East.U. phasing in a ban, this state of war might come downwardly to which economic system tanks first.

McDonald'southward closed 850 stores in Russian federation last calendar week. Equally a result, 62,000 Russians were left unemployed.  Crush followed suit and closed its gas stations. Correction: Shell followed accommodate and closed its gas stations afterward getting busted ownership ten,000 metric tons of Russian oil at crackhead prices, a sure sign of Russian desperation. In a argument, a Vanquish spokesperson apologized, saying the company finds its actions securely regrettable. No give-and-take if they feel the aforementioned way almost their profits.

Russian Currency

If the Russian ruble is now almost worth one-half a ruble, should it even be considered a ruble? For example, if somebody gave you 50 cents, would you ever call it a dollar? Yes, I know. That's the wrong way to recall most currency.

Word is that Russia'south credit rating is so bad information technology would have trouble financing a sofa right now. Ane has to wonder how much longer it can continue financing this war.

It took the U.South. two months to take over Afghanistan. It took another 20 years to realize it couldn't afford to hold it. Maybe Putin should mind that cliché about history, doom, and repeating it.

If you're wondering why the U.South. and NATO haven't tried storming the Kremlin and dragging Putin out by his ankles, consider i number: 4,477. That's the number of active nuclear weapons Russia has capable of wreaking worldwide havoc.

The latest affiliate and verse in The Gospel of Republican is that Putin would've never invaded Ukraine if Trump was still in office. They're right. He would've never. If Trump was nonetheless in part, he'd however be undermining NATO and making Putin feel all warm, fuzzy, and non-threatened.

Every bit a result of the war, a gallon of gas hit all time national highs in back to dorsum days final week. For the first fourth dimension in a long time there was something rising faster than carjackings here in New Orleans. This has to be difficult on the industry.  At the charge per unit gas prices are going, they might start demanding people fill up their tanks earlier handing over the keys to their cars. Every bit a thing of cocky-defense, maybe the urban center should consider providing citizens with bumper stickers that say: this MOFO own't got a lick of gas in information technology.

If yous're wondering where the Coronavirus is during all of this, it's vacationing in Hong Kong and New Zealand.

Biden'southward Ban On Russian Trade Is An Attack On Free Enterprise.

President Biden Dictates Where And With Whom Private Companies Can Invest Their Money.

 These are the missing headlines from the liberty lovers. Meanwhile, they're still on the internet complaining about a mask.

In that location was a report that a Russian space official vowed to leave a U.Due south. denizen stranded 27,000 miles abroad from the world's surface, meaning Russia wouldn't be giving him a ride home from a joint space station.

There was another written report that said the aforementioned report was a joke, i.due east. simulated news. Last calendar week, at a Republican retreat here in New Orleans, former president Trump, aka captain simulated news, joked that we should slap Chinese stickers on our fighter jets and accept them bomb Russia. That way the Russians and Chinese would stop up warring with each other. There was not some other report explaining why the same onetime president is still and then corny.

One of Putin's spokesmen said U.Southward. sanctions amount to a declaration of economic war with Russia. Somewhere, i of Biden's spokesmen said, "duh."

Before the war, Putin was considered a major international role player. He was somebody feared and revered for his KGB type intelligence. Yeah, that was before the war.

Ukraine'southward president is existence lauded as a hero for sticking information technology out at the capitol, as if fleeing the country while citizens were being bombed to death was e'er an option.

Russia'southward war machine is 8 times bigger than Ukraine'due south. Given time, information technology'll eventually overwhelm the country. The U.S. and NATO take told Ukraine, we'll provide you with arms and money. Only troops are not coming. That'south a clear bulletin that Ukraine is considered expendable.

The final word equals one k.


BRUSSELS (AP) — Europe faces a tough choice: Is it worth a recession to choke off oil and gas money to Russia while it fights a state of war in Ukraine?

While U.Southward. and British bans on Russian oil increase the force per unit area on Europe to follow suit, the continent's dependence on Russia for energy makes an immediate embargo much more difficult. Still, some officials say it is the only fashion to stop pouring billions in oil and gas acquirement into President Vladimir Putin'due south coffers, despite the near certainty of record aggrandizement worsening.

Europe gets effectually 40% of its natural gas and 25% of its oil from Russia, whereas the U.S. gets meager amounts of oil and no natural gas. An European union boycott would mean higher prices at the pump and on utility bills, and ultimately the threat of an free energy crunch and recession while the economy is withal recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. Russia-Ukraine warRussia-Ukraine war: Key developments in the ongoing conflictEurope faces pressure to join U.s., British ban on Russian oil.

Prices for everything from food to electricity are already painfully loftier partly because of skyrocketing natural gas prices in Europe. Governments have rolled out subsidies to recoup people for high utility bills, while gasoline has risen in a higher place ii.01 euros per liter — the equivalent of $8.33 per gallon, significant filling up a compact automobile could cost 90 euros ($98).

Those costs already are cutting into consumer spending, with inflation at all-time high of v.eight%. The question is: How much more pain can Europeans take to effort to cease Putin's attack on Ukraine?

"The consequences to the European economy would be major," said Simone Tagliapietra, an energy policy proficient at the Bruegel think tank in Brussels. "And therefore, in that location would need to be an upfront, clear, political decision that we are willing to compromise our economic system, we are willing to afford a recession, in order to hitting Putin where it hurts."

U.S. President Joe Biden acknowledged every bit much when he announced the U.Southward. ban on Russian oil imports, saying "many of our European allies and partners volition not be able to join us."ADVERTISEMENT

Efforts to agree on a cold-shoulder could be complicated because some EU fellow member countries are much more dependent than others on Russian federation. Germany and Italian republic rely heavily on Russian natural gas. Poland gets 67% of its oil from Russia, while Ireland gets only v%.

"It will be divisive inside Europe considering one part of Europe risks suffering more," said David Elmes, head of the Global Free energy Research Group at the Academy of Warwick's business schoolhouse. "So it's going to put the European political organization and the European agreements and the European project … nether an awful lot of stress."

The European Commission, the EU's executive arm, appear a programme Tuesday to wean the bloc off two-thirds of Russian natural gas by the end of the year, including by purchasing more liquefied natural gas brought by ship and building upwardly renewables more apace.

That already will be a massive challenge to accomplish, Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte said, because "we are very much dependent, that's the sad reality."

The EU goal "is a huge task to become there. I'm not certain we tin get that, only we take to do everything in our power to make that happen," he said Wednesday.

With the world already facing an energy crisis and oil prices soaring to $120 per butt — compared with $76 at the finish of last twelvemonth — a European boycott would send prices and inflation "to the moon," said Tagliapietra from the Bruegel call back tank. And non just for Europe, but energy-consuming countries around the world.

"The toll consequence is what needs to be considered here, because that is what could drag the global economy into recession," he said.

Yet the intensification of the disharmonize, the stream of refugees and the heart-rending images of suffering are keeping the issue very much on the table.

There is "considerable pressure level both from allies as well as domestically — the public would probably back this sort of a move every bit long equally information technology didn't meant too high prices," Caroline Bain, chief commodities economist at Capital Economic science said in an online briefing Tuesday.

Bain expected European countries to take a "more measured approach" rather than a complete ban on Russian energy and "wait at ways in which they can reduce considerably their reliance on Russian energy."

Oil, which more often than not comes by tanker, would exist easier to replace with other suppliers than natural gas, which mostly comes by fixed pipeline from Russia.

European refineries that turn rough into gasoline are set up for denser Russian oil and would face challenges switching to other kinds of oil. Russia supplies 14% of Europe'due south diesel fuel used for trucks and many cars, according to analysts at South&P Global Platts, meaning disruption would "significantly tighten the market."

Europe has fabricated information technology through most of the heating season, just would face a astringent challenge in refilling its natural gas reserves in fourth dimension for next wintertime.

The continent could replace all but ten% to 15% of Russian gas, requiring forced rationing that would hit industrial users first, energy analysts at Bruegel say.

Despite the potential fallout, debate on a ban is ongoing. Frg's economy minister, Robert Habeck, defended on Tuesday the decision to exempt Russian energy from sanctions and noted that U.Southward. officials said they would "neither need nor ask" Europe'due south largest economy to join an oil embargo.

But some German lawmakers support it.

Boycotting Russian energy would be "a hard conclusion, merely a possible and therefore necessary one" that would "striking the decisive lifeline of the Putin authorities," said Norbert Roettgen, a member of the German parliament's foreign relations committee for the opposition Christian Democrat conservatives.

Dominik Tarczynski, a fellow member of the European parliament for the populist Constabulary and Justice Party of Poland, put it this way: "The ban on Netflix is a joke, because people are dying, then we demand a ban on Russian oil and gas now."

past Seanna Leath Ph.D.

Black women's friendships are disquisitional for connexion and customs.

Central POINTS

  • Friendships allow Black women to gather and cleave out safe emotional and psychological spaces abroad from negative experiences of discrimination.
  • Black women purposefully affirm private characteristics in other Blackness women that may be shunned by broader society, such as assertiveness.
  • Black women can feel understood and "seen" in positive ways that encourage them to try out new things and explore their identity behavior.

Supportive friendships can reduce our social isolation, increase our sense of well-being, and build our sense of belonging in workplace and community settings. Studies bear witness that across the lifespan—from early childhood and well into adulthood—friendships matter. Friends help us encounter the best versions of ourselves. This may be especially important for Black women, who actively negotiate their sense of identity in relation to broader societal constructs, such as negative stereotypes of Blackness women as hypersexual, aroused, or superhuman.

Yet, Blackness women are infinitely more than negative stereotypes, and recent studies advise that Black women create safe physical and psychological spaces through friendship to navigate life stressors and experience joy and freedom.

Thank you to idiot box shows similarInsecure andGirlfriends, as well as movies similarWaiting to Exhale, Hidden Figures,and Girls Trip (but to name a few), we are able to witness the types of back up and friendship that Blackness women provide for one another. These shows and films capture a range of everyday moments—from breakups and new relationships to losing jobs and raising children—consistent with inquiry highlighting that Black women live and learn from one another in ways that increase their understanding of history, self, and community.

For instance, in Patricia Hill Collins' (2000) Blackness feminist theorization of friendship, she discusses how, "in the comfort of daily conversations, through serious chat and sense of humor, African-American women affirm one another's humanity, specialness, and right to exist every bit sisters and friends." Her words describe attention to the social and emotional dynamics in Blackness women'south bonds, and the idea that friendships permit Black women to let their guard down, share their emotions, and class "sistah" bonds.

Ability in Groups for Black Women

Additionally, Black women may practise individual ability and bureau in conversation and customs with i another. Blackness feminist scholars like Shardé Thou. Davis frame this equally a form of "talking back," and highlight how the outspokenness that Blackness women are punished for in other interactions is often celebrated and reinforced in Blackness female friendship groups.

Black women's use of friendships as personal and political resistance is not new. Equally the Blackness women of the Combahee River Collective (1977), noted, "Our politics initially sprang from the shared conventionalities that Blackness women are inherently valuable … we realize that the only people who care enough about united states to work consistently for our liberation are us."

In a contempo commodity published in Emerging Adulthood, my colleagues and I found that in friendships with other Blackness women, Black female college students (xviii-24 years) were able to process their experiences of bigotry and misogynoir on campus, build social and professional networks with Black women who had similar interests, and motion towards more affirmative understandings of their identities. For the women in our study:article continues after advertisement

  • Coming together in physical spaces (e.g., Black cultural centers on campus or specific groups for Black women) helped them develop a sense of safety that they lacked in the broader, predominantly white campus setting.
  • Close and meaningful relationships with other Black women functioned every bit a unique form of social capital (i.e., resources in social networks that produce individual benefits), which they leveraged for mentorship, academic support, and professional development.
  • Blackness female friends offered a space of amalgamation and connection where the women could lay down their "armor" (i.eastward., pressure to present an image of strength and resilience) and but "be."
  • The young women felt seen and understood by other Black women, which encouraged them to endeavour out new things (e.g., embracing their natural hair) and explore their beliefs about Black womanhood.
  • In community with other Black women, they were less likely to lawmaking-switch (i.eastward., adjusting 1's appearance and behavior in exchange for off-white handling) or worry about whether their Black girlfriends viewed them through a stereotypical lens.

Overall, they institute a unique form of solace or sense of "coming home" in their friendships with other Blackness women because they could be themselves.

Our findings echo honey Black feminist antecedent, writer, professor, activist, daughter, sister, and friend bell hooks' notion of friendship as, "the identify in which a great majority of us have our first glimpse of redemptive dearest and caring customs. Learning to beloved in friendships empowers us and enables united states of america to bring this dearest to other interactions…"

To find out more about the collective power of Black women's friendships, check out GirlTrek and the Sister Circle Collective.

by Derrick Shepherd

Councilmember Oliver Thomas is the vocalisation of Black New Orleans. He speaks the unvarnished truth and tells information technology like it really is. A beloved WBOK on-air personality and trusted member of the New Orleans Urban center Council, New Orleanians can always count on Oliver to give them authentic information from the Black perspective while creating an opportunity for important customs dialogue. New Orleans needs Oliver Thomas as a WBOK broadcaster and councilmember.

I was saddened and disappointed subsequently reading an opinion column. The New Orleans Advocate's attack piece was racially insensitive and clearly biased. Information technology suggested that Oliver should not work at WBOK because he also serves on the New Orleans Urban center Council. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The First Subpoena to the U.S. Constitution gives Oliver and every other denizen the right to freedom of spoken language. Denying Oliver his voice on the radio also denies each of you your voice.  Information technology also inhibits Oliver's ability to support his family unit, including his young son Oliver Jr.

Many elected officials apply the media to communicate with voters. Governor John Bel Edwards has a radio show on the Louisiana Radio Network. Other elected officials produce regular blog posts. Still others apply Facebook, Twitter and Instagram each day to spread their letters. To suggest that Oliver would personally would benefit from a invitee on his radio show is a slap in the face up to the hard work Oliver has done to rebuild his life. And it suggests people don't learn from their mistakes.

Oliver Thomas made history

Oliver Thomas' recent election to the City Council District E was an historic moment. Born into a working grade family in the ixth Ward, Oliver grew up on New Orleans playgrounds. He attended higher on a basketball game scholarship. Former NORD Double-decker and Councilmember Roy Glapion Sr. encouraged Oliver to enter public service.

Former Councilmember James Singleton mentored Oliver and excelled on Singleton'south staff. New Orleanians elected Oliver to the Metropolis Quango District B and subsequently Councilmember At Big. New Orleans East elected Oliver to transform the commune. And he is now the simply person elected to serve iii different seats on the city council. Like many of us Oliver isn't perfect. He fabricated a mistake for which he served time in prison. But Oliver came dwelling to offset a new life and in one case once more serve the community.

DA Jason Williams, Council at Large Members Helena Moreno and JP Morrell supporting Oliver Thomas

Every bit a member of the Metropolis Council, Oliver Thomas is prepared to practice swell things for the residents of New Orleans Due east and the Lower 9thursday Ward. He knows government from the within out and how to bring change. Working closely with Mayor LaToya Cantrell, Oliver will bring economic opportunity and jobs while improving the quality of life. He will work with NOPD Master Shaun Ferguson to fight crime. He will use government incentives to attract restaurants and retail businesses to serve the families of the district. Oliver volition work tirelessly on rebuilding streets and playgrounds. Likewise he will ensure that progress continues on the old Six Flags site and that the Lincoln Embankment redevelopment moves forward. And he volition partner with the district's schools to ensure that every pupil is prepared for the futurity.

New Orleans needs Oliver Thomas. Let's continue Oliver equally a servant leader on the radio and on the Urban center Council.  I trust Oliver to do the right matter. And you should too.

by C.C. Campbell-Rock

Anybody agrees that no knock warrants are dangerous. No knock warrants are often deadly.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not exist violated, and no Warrants shall outcome, but upon probable cause, supported past Oath or affirmation, and specially describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Fourth Amendment of the U.s. Constitution

Are no knock warrants even constitutional?

The Fourth Amendment, ratified in 1791, is based on the principle that  "Every human being's house is his castle," and that any citizen may fall into the category of the criminally defendant and ought to be provided protections accordingly.

"Our nation has  lately  been  made  painfully  aware  of  the  risks  of  police executing  "no-knock"  search  warrants. They  pose  serious  risks  to  the  lives of innocent  citizens,  similar  Breonna  Taylor  in  Louisville,  Kentucky;  and  to the  lives of law  enforcement officers charged with executing them," Louisiana Supreme Court Justice Bernette J. Johnson wrote in a dissent in State of Louisiana vs. Patrick Vanlangendonck.

"The  language  used  to request  accelerate  "no-knock"  permission  is  often banality-plate. It  encourages  but brief  review  and—once  issued—may  reduce  meaningful  retroactive  scrutiny  of whether  the  circumstances  truly  justified  law  enforcement's  departure  from  the Quaternary  Amendment," Johnson wrote ii months earlier retiring from the bench in Dec 2020.

"Advance "no-knock" authorizations in search warrants should be an aberration, not the norm. We adventure the lives of our law  enforcement officers and our fellow citizens if judges do not vigilantly guard the standards for "no-knock" warrants. Where issued in advance, "no-knock" warrants should be based on articulable facts specific to the planned search, non a banality-plate request when officers suspect illegal narcotics," Johnson wrote.

In a telephone interview, Johnson said, "No-Knock warrants become against the constitutional protection to exist safe in your firm."

"It breaks your heart," Johnson says of the Breonna Taylor case. She adds that blacks are nether "constant threats" of law violating their constitutional protections. "Driving, walking in the mall, sleeping in your home while black…there'south always the latest name."

B. Jean

In fact, it seems that the Fourth Amendment doesn't utilise to black people. The use of search warrants, No-Knock warrants, and no warrants, period, by white constabulary enforcement officers take proven dangerous and deadly for unarmed blackness people:

September half-dozen, 2018 – Botham Jean, 26, a young black PricewaterhouseCoopers accountant, was sitting on his couch watching television and eating ice cream when Bister Guyger, a white Dallas police officeholder, mistook his apartment for her ain. She pushed opened the door and killed Jean where he sabbatum. Guyger didn't have a warrant.

Atatiana Koquice Jefferson

Victims Listing is Long

October 12, 2019- Atatiana Koquice Jefferson, a 28-year-former black woman, was shot to death in her habitation by Aaron Dean, a white police officer in Fort Worth, Texas. Law arrived at her domicile later a neighbor chosen a non-emergency number, stating that Jefferson's front door was open. Constabulary trunk camera footage showed officers walking exterior the house with flashlights for a few minutes earlier Dean shot through a window and killed her.

Breonna Taylor

March 13, 2020 – Breonna Taylor, 26, an Emergency Medical Technician, was sleeping in her Louisville, Kentucky apartment when three white police officers, Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove of the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD), forced entry into the apartment every bit office of an investigation into drug dealing. The plainclothes cops said they appear themselves, merely Taylor's boyfriend denied hearing them before the police force kicked in the door. They killed the unarmed black adult female. Her apartment wasn't searched.  More proof no-knock warrants are dangerous and deadly.

February 3, 2022 – Amir Locke, 22, didn't become a gamble to answer his cousin's door. No one knocked. Minneapolis Police entered the apartment with a central. One time inside, their screams woke Locke upward.   Locke probably idea intruders had come up through the door, then he pulled his registered gun from under the covers to defend himself. Locke, 22, died in a hail of bullets. The No-Knock warrant wasn't for Locke, who was couch-surfing at a friend'southward flat.

Locke'southward grieving parents are calling for a ban on No-Knock warrants. The parents and their lawyers say the 22-year-old Blackness man was "executed" by constabulary in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They say No-knock warrants are dangerous and deadly.

Dawnita Hodge is nevertheless traumatized by her No-Knock experience. Twenty-five years ago, fellow police officers outburst into her Hammond, Louisiana dwelling while she slept.

Dawnita & Eugene Hodge

Hodge, a constabulary officer and juvenile detective on the Hammond Police Section, recalls,  "I was sleeping. It was virtually 4 p.thou., and I was napping before I had to become on duty. "Bam, Bam, Bam," is the audio she nonetheless hears. "I didn't know what was going on. I heard shouting."

Before Hodge could respond, the cops were in her bedroom with guns drawn. "I was in my bra and panties. I was told to go on the floor and handcuffed. And I was asked where my service weapon was; then they went searching my house."

As it turned out, an informant told the Hammond police that her brother was coming and going from her dwelling house and her colleagues suspected he was dealing drugs.

Eugene Hodge, Jr., was living with her at the time. "He was trying to decide whether to move to Houston or not," she explains. They had relatives in Houston.

"I'll never forget. It was December half-dozen, 1996," Eugene explains. I had come from visiting relatives in Houston for Thanksgiving. To this mean solar day, it sends chills downwards my spine," Eugene Hodge Jr. says of his encounter with the cops.

Eugene wasn't in that location when the police knocked the door down. He had gone to run into his friends' new baby. "When we came back, they said, "Go on the footing. Where's the dope? Where'southward the money? When they couldn't find annihilation, 1 law told me, 'Information technology'south best you leave boondocks and don't come up dorsum here."

"I had nowhere to go, so I started coming and going in the wee hours of the dark because I was scared.' Eugene moved to Texas and stayed abroad for two years. 'The simply reason I came back was my girlfriend was most to have my kid," he explains.

Simply whenever he and his cousins came abode to visit, underground state law would stop them. "It was straight harassment. It was ridiculous."

"What if I had gotten to my gun? I'd be expressionless right at present. I call up it was excessive," Dawnita says of the raid. "We had no criminal history. Nosotros're police force-abiding citizens. They could have chosen me into the station."

Dawnita refused to exit the job, even afterward the harassment. "Information technology was hard to stay," she confirms. When someone sent her the encephalon of a cow, Dawnita hired civil rights chaser Ron Wilson who sued the Hammond Police Section.

No-Knock Warrants are dangerous and deadly

"Aye, racism was involved," Dawnita responds when asked if she thought her fellow officers were singling her out because she'south a black woman. "Based on who I know Chad Scott is now, he locked and so many black people away. I call up he was a racist, yeah. Scott led the squad that executed the No-Knock warrant.

"I told them that Chad Scott was muddied," Attorney Wilson says of his conversation with Hammond Constabulary Department leadership. Expect him up," he adds.

Indeed, Scott is a corrupt law enforcement officer.

Scott, a DEA officeholder, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for two charges related to accusations that he took the property of arrestees for his personal use and seven charges of perjury, obstacle of justice, and falsifying government records.

Dawnita Hodge left the Hammond Police force Strength. Today she is the regional manager for the Office of Juvenile Justice.

Cops have terrorized Hodge and all the others mentioned in this commodity by serving No-Knock warrants.

"People have a correct to protect homes. You lot have a right to go along police out," says Jacques Morial, a political consultant.

Jacques Morial

In 2004, Morial was the victim of a federal search warrant. Vii seconds subsequently announcing themselves, law rammed down his door. "Someone told them I was a mastermind bag man and that I had $100,000 in my business firm," Morial says.

 "There was no specificity" in the warrant," Morial adds. Near 10 feds came in with handguns and attack weapons. "They were ripping up my carpeting, looking for a wall rubber, and punched my walls in looking for money." Every bit in the example of the Hodge family unit, they didn't find any coin in Morial's abode.

Morial says search warrants are dangerous. He agrees with Hodge that there are better ways to apprehend criminals. "Do some intelligence. Find out when the suspect comes and goes. If yous cut off the lights and water, somewhen a suspect will come out. I remember No-Knock warrants should but exist used in cases of national security and suspected terrorism."

In the wake of Breonna Taylor'south death, several states passed restrictive No-Knock warrant laws.

Governor John Bel Edwards signed ACT 430, based on State Senators Cleo Fields and Troy Carter'south legislation, in June 2021. The law restricts the utilise of chokeholds, and No-Knock warrants can simply exist served betwixt sunrise and dusk. The legislation also calls for all police force to wear trunk cameras.

Sadly, Human activity 430, similar many other "new" No-Knock warrant laws, has loopholes large enough to drive a truck through. The procedure can nonetheless be used under sure circumstances. The aforementioned goes for the 2020 federal laws on which the rules are based.

The penchant of white cops to shoot first and inquire questions after, when blacks are in their homes and suspected of criminal activity, is well-documented. Clearly,  the Quaternary Amendment—the Castle Doctrine—doesn't apply to blackness people.

"In the period from 2010-2016 alone, this policy (No-Knock warrants) caused the death of 81 civilians and 13 officers, more than than half the civilians being minorities, virtually of whom were Black. Criminologist Radley Balko estimates that 8 "perfectly innocent" citizens each twelvemonth die from these raids, along with 20-xxx others who are either constabulary officers or suspects. A first step in turning things around would be to abolish No-Knock warrants in this country from declension to coast," co-ordinate to The No-Knock Warrant and Its Origins in the Race-Baiting Politics of the Law and Society Movement, a University of Hartford Report.

At least four states — Florida, Oregon, Connecticut, and Virginia — have banned the no-knock warrants. The residuum of the United states should do the same. We all see that no-knock warrants are dangerous and deadly.

Rollout in New Orleans is met with criticism. Is The City Going Straight Law And Order? Is New Orleans Losing Its Progressive Edge?

Apparently, all black people wait a similar to computers too.  I know what you're thinking. Nosotros just can't catch a interruption. It's bad enough that we have to bargain with racism in the actual world from the police or random Karens on the street. But now we find out we're beingness digitally discriminated in the cyber world as well. At least that's what some studies have told the states. Is New Orleans losing its progressive edge?

This has come upward because the mayor has proposed that the NOPD starting time using facial recognition software to identify suspects again. This software plan is basically a big database of pictures on file. It could be filled with anything from driver's licenses to mug shots. Information technology works like this: Say somebody commits a crime that'southward caught on 1 of the city'due south crime cameras. The police will have that paradigm and feed it into the facial recognition plan. The program will then analyze it, match it, and produce a number of possible suspects for the constabulary to consider.

Sounds elementary.

Too many times though, the studies have shown that relying on facial recognition has resulted in the wrong black person beingness identified and arrested. Ironically, this isn't a problem for white people. The program has no problem telling Biff from Bob. But with black people, apparently at that place aren't enough pictures on file. This smaller sample size prevents the program from making the detailed distinctions it'southward able to do with white people.  If you watch the news, y'all'd recollect the contrary would exist true.

NOLA Law-breaking Camera

Allow the news tell information technology, black people are the merely ones who commit crimes. And then given the amount of black people with mug shots flowing through the criminal justice system you'd call back that the software would exist finely tuned to the slightest tinge of melanin. Only nope. That is not the instance. To the program, all blacks tend to have the aforementioned cracks. How do you fix that? Who knows. Maybe the program needs to be fed a grade on Anti-racism or Critical Race Theory.

Is New Orleans Losing Its Progressive Edge?

But think, a little over a year agone this type of big brother surveillance was existence banned by the Metropolis Quango. Smaller jails were being advocated. Marijuana was being decriminalized. And we were parting means with a D.A. who would harass citizens with false subpoenas. We were told that a new progressive approach to criminal offense was on the horizon. In one case we made it to the horizon though, the new D.A. started vowing to go hard on prosecutions. The constabulary chief started promising to put more people in jail. And now the mayor is cracking downwardly on second lines. Obviously, the progressive sun has set on law and order.

Then at present hither we are. We still have a metropolis-wide surveillance system that'll send you a $lxxx ticket for going four miles over the speed limit. And we may be going back to one that could have you lot accidentally arrested because the program can't tell Kanye West from Obama. Big Blood brother is back and sloppily expanding. For city leaders though, information technology's like, what else are we supposed to do? Kids are running wild, committing crimes with abandon. These are the tools we have to fight. And this is the bachelor technology. For some fed up citizens the solution may neither exist expanded surveillance nor progressivism. Instead, it may prevarication in simply seeking the greener horizons of some other city or parish.

Plus the five Richest Black Men in Africa

Of the 18 richest people in Africa, only 5 of them are Black.

That's correct: on the continent of Africa, which has perhaps the highest concentration of Blackness people on Earth, 72 percentage of the richest people in Africa are either white or of other not-Black descent.

That's co-ordinate to the latest listing compiled by Forbes, which revealed that more African billionaires are Afrikaners (descendants from the Dutch, French, and German colonialists in South Africa) than any other African subgroup. And this shouldn't be surprising, considering how the after-effects of colonial times are still being felt today. In 2015, data released by New Earth Wealth (via BusinessTech of South Africa) revealed that in that location was an inequitable transfer of wealth to and so-chosen "marginalized groups," which includes groups of Black Africans that didn't fifty-fifty have rights in the country prior to 1994 on account of apartheid.

While these statistics about the richest people in Africa are distressing, it'south yet better than the statistics regarding the number of Black billionaires in America. As AfroTech previously reported, only seven billionaires — out of 724 — are Black, meaningless than one percentage of all billionaires in the U.s. are Black.

Then, we say this all to say — we nevertheless have a long way to go, both in the Us and in Africa to reach full Black equity.

Aliko Dangote

© Provided by AfrotechPhoto Credit: Wei Leng Tay

Ranking: #1

Aliko Dangote is not only the richest Blackness homo in Africa, but he's too the richest man in Africaperiod, and he'southward the richest Blackness homo in the earth. Co-ordinate to Forbes, he has a real-time net worth of $14 billion, which was made from his manufacturing business.

Abdul Samad Rabiu

© Provided past AfrotechCurtesy of BUA Group

Ranking: #5

With a huge diversified portfolio that has its paw in such businesses equally cement production, sugar refining and real estate, the head of the Nigeria-based BUA Conglomerate has a real-fourth dimension net worth of $6.9 billion, per Forbes.

Mike Adenuga

© Provided by AfrotechCourtesy of The Africa Report

Ranking: #6

Mike Adenuga is Nigeria's second-richest man, and he fabricated his $vii.i billion real-time cyberspace worth in the telecommunications industry, according to Forbes.

Patrice Motsepe

© Provided by AfrotechPhoto Credit: Fadel Senna

Ranking: #9

Patrice Motsepe is someone who continues to diversify his investments. As AfroTech recently reported, he recently dropped over $5 million on a luxury wine farm! Forbes reports that he has a existent-time internet worth of $three.2 billion.

Strive Masiyiwa

© Provided past AfrotechCourtesy of Justin Mentum

Ranking: #10

He's United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland'due south commencement Black billionaire, and his diverse telecom investments span over several African countries. Forbes reports that he has a real-time internet worth of $3.2 billion (but had a net worth of $2.7 billion at the time the 2022 African Billionaires list was released).

by Paul Wynn

When round and smooth, red blood cells move hands through the trunk conveying oxygen from the lungs to vital organs. In sickle prison cell disease, cherry claret cells are shaped similar sickles or crescent moons. These strong, sticky cells catch on to each other and stick to the walls of the blood vessels. The cells get stuck blocking blood menstruation and oxygen.

Parts of the trunk – like the centre, lungs and kidneys – that don't receive normal blood flow eventually become damaged. This leads to other health complications like anemia, hurting and inflammation and stroke.

"At that place are no medicines that cure sickle jail cell disease, just treatments may save pain, preclude complications and help people live longer," says Dr. Lewis Hsu, chief medical officeholder of the Sickle Cell Disease Clan of America and director of pediatric sickle cell at the University of Illinois in Chicago.

How Do You Get Sickle Cell Illness?

Sickle cell disease is a hereditary condition passed on by parents, much similar pilus color and heart color. It's not contagious like a virus.

People with sickle jail cell disease behave two genes from both parents of altered hemoglobin, a poly peptide that allows red claret cells to behave oxygen to all parts of the body. Some individuals carry the sickle cell trait because they only accept one mutated factor.

If i parent has sickle cell disease and the other carries the sickle jail cell trait, at that place's a 50% chance of giving birth to a baby with either sickle cell disease or sickle cell traits. When both parents have a sickle cell trait they have a 25% chance of having a baby with sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease is a recessive status considering you lot need to inherit a mutated gene from each parent to develop it.

The median life expectancy of people with sickle jail cell illness is betwixt 42- and 47-years-sometime, co-ordinate to the American Society of Hematology. "The life span has definitely improved since the 70s when almost people didn't make it to machismo, simply we even so accept a long mode to get to better longevity," says Dr. Enrico Novelli, medical managing director of the UPMC Adult Sickle Cell Disease Plan in Pittsburgh.

Sickle cell disease is the nigh mutual inherited condition in the world, affecting 8 to 12 million people. It mainly affects families who originate from parts of the world where malaria is mutual. These areas include:

Who Gets the Disease?

  • Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Middle East.
  • Parts of Republic of india.
  • Caribbean.
  • Mediterranean countries similar Italy, Greece and Turkey.

Sickle cell disease affects these populations because having the sickle prison cell trait protects individuals from serious consequences of malaria, co-ordinate to the Centers for Affliction Command and Prevention.

In the United States, it's considered a rare affliction affecting about 100,000 Americans, says the CDC. In addition, the government agency reports that sickle cell disease occurs in nigh i in every 365 Black or African-American births and 1 out of every 16,300 Hispanic births.

Through national newborn screening guidelines implemented in all l states and the District of Columbia, babies are tested for sickle cell disease. Most ii,000 babies are born with the disease each twelvemonth in America, co-ordinate to the American University of Pediatrics.

Types of Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle cell illness refers to a grouping of blood disorders caused by "sickled" hemoglobin. The specific type of sickle cell disease that someone has depends on the kind of hemoglobin, in addition to the inherited gene they receive from their parents.

The most common types of sickle cell disease include:

  • Sickle cell anemia: This is the most common and severe grade of sickle cell affliction. People with this type inherit ii sickle cell genes, one from each parent.
  • Sickle hemoglobin-C disease: People with sickle hemoglobin-C disease inherit a sickle cell gene ("Southward") from 1 parent and from the other parent a gene for an abnormal hemoglobin called "C". This is unremarkably a milder form of sickle jail cell disease. Some people as well inherit rarer types of hemoglobin D, Due east and O. The severity of these rarer types of sickle cell disease varies.
  • Hemoglobin South–beta-thalassemia: When individuals are diagnosed with this course of sickle cell disease, they inherit one sickle jail cell cistron from one parent and one gene for beta thalassemia from another parent. Beta thalassemia, a type of anemia, comes in two types: 0 and +. For those with beta-0 thalassemia, their condition is usually more severe, while beta+ thalassemia tends to be a milder case.

Treatment and Intendance

The main goal of treatment is to reduce painful episodes and prevent symptoms like anemia, swelling of anxiety and hands, frequent infections and vision problems – tiny claret vessels in the eyes tin get stuck with sickle cells and cause retinal impairment.

There are several medications that patients tin can acquire about to help manage their complications. "The corporeality of research has significantly multiplied in the last few decades," says Hsu. "Inside the past five years, there'due south been three new treatments approved past the FDA that take unique approaches to treating sickle cell disease."

The following Food and Drug Administration-approved prescription medicines can aid reduce and manage certain complications related to sickle cell illness:

  • Hydroxyurea (Droxia, Hydrea, Siklos). Approved by the FDA in 1998, hydroxyurea has been shown in studies to reduce pain-related symptoms of sickle prison cell illness, the demand for blood transfusions and hospitalizations. It does require monitoring for possible side effects, including depression blood counts that may predispose one to infections and haemorrhage.
  • L-glutamine oral powder (Endari). This medicine is approved to reduce astute complications of sickle cell disease in patients v years of age and older. In studies, this drug was shown to reduce hospitalizations due to pain episodes and shown to increase the time betwixt hurting symptoms. This medicine may cause some side effects such as constipation, nausea, headache, pain in stomach area and cough, among others.
  • Crizanlizumab (Adakveo). In 2019, the FDA approved this monthly Four biologic medicine to reduce the frequency of a vaso-occlusive crisis, or sickle cell crisis, such as acute episodes of hurting. The medicine was approved for patients aged 16 years and older. Side effects may include nausea, joint hurting, dorsum pain, fever and infusion reactions.
  • Voxelotor (Oxbryta). This oral medicine was approved in 2019 to ameliorate anemia in people with sickle jail cell disease. Hypersensitivity reactions were the most commonly reported side result post-obit handling. Other side effects may include generalized rash, mild shortness of breath and mild facial swelling.

Non-Medication Options

In addition to available medications, there are ii approaches that are normally recommended for those with severe cases of sickle jail cell disease. These options include:

  • Blood transfusions. During a blood transfusion, normal red blood cells are added to increase the supply of oxygen to all parts of the torso. Blood transfusions are particularly common among those with severe anemia. Sickle jail cell crisis can pb to kidney impairment.  anemia related to kidney failure  is best treated past replacing the hormone the kidneys are supposed to make (erythropoietin) and non by regular transfusions.  Stroke prevention can require monthly transfusions. Substitution transfusions are preferred to avert iron overload for patients.
  • Stalk cell transplant. During this procedure, bone marrow is replaced with healthy os marrow from a donor, usually a sibling who does not live with sickle cell disease. There may be serious complications related to stem jail cell transplants, and there's a long recovery flow then these procedures are ordinarily reserved for those with astringent cases. Information technology's not surgery. Hsu notes that about one,700 stem cell transplants accept been performed throughout the globe.

Survival and Prognosis

The survival of young children diagnosed with sickle prison cell disease has significantly improved since the 1970s, says Novelli. More than 98% of children with sickle cell affliction alive to get adults, according to a written report published in the journal Blood. Improved survival rates are attributed to national newborn screening, early treatment with penicillin and constructive vaccinations against flu and pneumonia.

Children with sickle prison cell anemia might receive penicillin between the ages of near two months sometime until at least age 5. Doing and so helps prevent infections, such as pneumonia, which can be life-threatening to children with sickle jail cell anemia.

Despite improvements in mortality rates and advancements in sickle cell illness research, there's still much more progress to be made. Gene therapy may provide hope for a cure in the time to come. There are a six factor therapy programs underway that are taking unlike approaches to either replacing genetic material, removing or correcting cells – called gene editing – or replacing cells with modified ones.

"Gene therapy may offer hope for this patient community that they accept been waiting for, but we won't know until the studies are much further along," says Hsu.

Copyright 2022 U.S. News & World Report

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