
How To Edit Eye Color In Stardew Valley

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The Role player refers to the playable graphic symbol in Stardew Valley.

Character customization

The graphic symbol creation screen.

The post-obit options are available at the beginning of a new game:

  • Appearance - This includes 24 pare tones, 73 hairstyles, 112 shirts, four pants, and 20 accessories. All of them can be used by either gender, with the selection to randomize appearance. This has no result on gameplay, tin can be inverse later, and can exist augmented with additional shirts and pants, too as hats, and boots.
  • Name / Farm Name - These are limited to well-nigh of the ASCII printable characters, which are spaces, uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and `[email protected]#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\|;:'",<.>/?_. Although " is in the valid ASCII printable graphic symbol range, the textbox does not accept this graphic symbol. Name and Subcontract Proper name are sometimes used in dialogues during gameplay. The player'south name can be inverse later, merely not the subcontract proper name.
    • Both fields have copied text (paste text using Ctrl + v).
    • The length of the name is determined by the total pixel width, and the allowed maximum is restricted to the width of the textbox.
    • The letter case used when the name is inputted volition not change (e.g., if the name is inputted in all lowercase; the first letter of the alphabet will not be corrected to uppercase).
  • Beast Preference - This determines the type of pet that arrives in Jump of year one. There are six options; 3 dogs, three cats.
  • Favorite Thing - This affects the text displayed subsequently eating a Stardrop. The character limits are the same as the Proper noun / Farm Name text boxes.
  • Gender - This has pocket-sized furnishings on gameplay and can be changed later.
    • Characters volition use the advisable pronoun in dialogue.
    • Restriction to the men's or women's spa entrance. (Note: Alex sometimes works out in the men'south locker room.)
    • It is possible to marry an eligible NPC regardless of gender. In a different-gender wedlock, the adult female can become significant for 14 days (with no result on speed or move) and give nascency to a child. In a same-gender wedlock, children can exist adopted.
    • Female characters will receive letters from Dad, while male characters will receive letters from Mom.

Special Keys

When entering "Name", "Farm Name", or "Favorite Thing" on the Graphic symbol Creation menu, certain keys produce special sounds and/or symbols.

  • Pressing the following keys will produce special sounds.
    • Pressing < produces a "ding" sound
    • Pressing $ produces a "plink" sound
    • Pressing * produces a "stone hit" sound
    • Pressing = produces a "pop" audio
    • Pressing + produces a "squish" sound
  • Pressing the following keys volition produce special characters.
  • Pressing < produces , a eye
  • Pressing > produces , a right triangular arrow
  • Pressing @ produces , a left triangular pointer
  • Pressing $ produces , a double circle
  • Pressing * produces 💢, the "anger" symbol common in Japanese media
  • Pressing = produces , a star
  • Pressing controller buttons also produces special sounds and/or symbols.


  • Entering sure terms as the Favorite Affair triggers an Easter egg.
  • There are no character traits in Stardew Valley.
  • Choices in cutscenes and dialogues don't significantly impact the story. They may increase or subtract friendship points, or change a future cutscene or dialogue slightly.
  • It is possible to befriend virtually NPCs and there are no mutually exclusive friendships. (Some NPCs like Gunther have no friendship status.)
  • While NPCs have a breathing blitheness, the player does not. Instead, the player's eyes glimmer.


  • PC/mobile merely: naming the character using an internal object ID number in brackets will requite the detail that corresponds with the number whenever an NPC mentions the character by their name. For example, entering [645][499][163] volition give an Iridium Sprinkler, Ancient Seeds, and a Legend. (This exploit besides works with naming children and animals.)

Meet also

  • Friendship
  • Wedlock
  • Skills


  • 1.3: Removed item ID naming exploit from all but PC and Mobile versions.
  • 1.4: Added new hairstyles and unlike pants.
  • 1.5: Added the ability to change proper name and gender. Added new hairstyles. Removed obtaining the Error Item using the item ID naming exploit.


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